Tostada is a Peruvian Micrsoft daughter, and a colored Champion in 2002. This female let's color come through even when bred to white. So if you are breeding for that dark Full Peruvian, she is the pick of the herd. Tostada was bred to Peruvian Black Hawk and produced a male (Mountain West Dante) in 2004. She was rebred back to Black Hawk and gave birth to a female (Mountian West Elise) in 2005. Then in 2007, Tostada gave birth to a female (Mountain West Gypsy) sired by Peruvian Don Quixote and then in 2008 gave us a full brother (NPA Peruvian Bandero). In 2009, Tostada was bred to Mountain West Elderon, an El Nino son, and gave us a handsome full peruvian dark male (NPA Peruvian Laredo) this fall 2010! Tostada was then bred to BMF's Taos' Zeppelin and gave birth to a stunning fawn female on 9/12/2011!